Letter from Mr Hugh Mills dated January 26th 2005
TRUST HEADQUARTERS Strathdene House, Tyrone & Fermanagh Hospital, Omagh, Co Tyrone BT79 0NS Tel - (028) 82 83 5285 Fax - (028) 82 83 5286 e-mail: hmills@slt.n-i.nhs.uk www.sperrin-lakeland.org Minicom Service is available within the Trust on request Date : 26th January 2005 PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL Dear Mr Finnerty Thank you for your e-mail of 11 January 2005, addressed to Mr Hugh Mills, Chief Executive concerning your discharge by Doctor Foster, Consultant Psychiatrist from the Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital on 14 December 2004. I am unable to comment on matters relating to other authorities and individuals outside of the Sperrin Lakeland Trust. This response is therefore issued in relation to the matter of your admission and discharge from the Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital only. The concerns outlined in your correspondence regarding your discharge from hospital have been investigated. We are now in receipt of comments from Doctor Foster and I will endeavour to respond to your concerns. On 7 December 2004, following an assessment by a community psychiatric nurse, you were admitted to the Tyrone and Fermanagh Hospital. Doctor Foster saw you on 9 December 2004 and reports that he noted no evidence of a major mood or psychotic disorder. Consequently, you were referred to the hospital social worker for advice on finding accommodation. Doctor Foster reviewed your situation on 13 December 2004 and again, finding no evidence of mental illness, discharged you on 14 December 2004. He states that you agreed with his findings. Doctor Foster acknowledges that you protested about the decision he made to discharge you. He states that you informed him that you wished to make a complaint and to see another Consultant Psychiatrist for a second opinion with regard to the decision to discharge. The relevant information and addresses to assist you in making a complaint and seeking a second opinion were given to you. Doctor Foster discussed your case with Mr Seamus McGarvey, Clinical Service Manager who agreed with his decision to discharge you. I am sorry that you feel that Doctor Foster suddenly withdrew his help as if he had been instructed to do so by his superiors. I wish to assure you that this was not the case. Doctor Foster examined you on two occasions and each time found that there was no evidence to show that you were suffering from a mental illness. Acknowledging your dissatisfaction at his decision, he then sought advice from Mr McGarvey who agreed the action he took. Doctor Foster assures me that you were provided with the names and addresses of Mr Gabriel Carey, Director of Mental Health and Elderly Services and Ms Bridget O'Rawe, Director of Corporate Affairs to enable you to follow up your wish to have a second opinion and to make a complaint. In the event that you feel unwell and require the services of a doctor, I would advise you to see a GP. However, if you are not currently registered with a GP, I would advise you to attend the A & E Department of your local hospital where you will be seen by a doctor. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to respond to your concerns. I do hope that my letter goes some way in reassuring you of our support and desire to provide a caring and efficient service for our users. Under our complaints procedure, if you remain unhappy with our response, you may request the Western Health and Social Services Board to carry out an Independent Review. You may request this within 28 days of the date of this letter, orally or by writing to: The Convenor Western Health and Social Services Board 15 Gransha Park Clooney Road LONDONDERRY BT47 1TG Telephone 028 7186 0086 I am attaching a copy of our Listening and Responding leaflet for your convenience. Yours sincerely Hugh Mills Chief Executive cc Anne Scott (Northern Ireland Ombudsman Office) Anne.Scott@ni-ombudsman.org.uk
r Geraghty
The Århus Convention
Agreement The Århus Convention establishes a number of rights of the public (citizens and their associations) with regard to the environment. Public authorities (at national, regional or local level) are to contribute to allowing these rights to become effective. The Convention provides for:
Above text taken from: http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/aarhus/ |
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ever drawn up for Ireland. It involves an investment of over EUR 52 billion
of Public, Private and EU funds (in 1999 prices) over
the period 2000-2006. The Plan involves significant investment in
health services, social housing, education, roads, public transport, rural
development, industry, water and waste services, childcare and local
development." |
Constitutions Bunreacht na hEireann: Draft Treaty establishing a Constitution for
Europe: Text of EU Constitution Draft
Treaty: Text of Environment Section of EU Constitution
Draft Treaty: |
Legislation Checking and correcting unconstitutional legislation
(Republic of Ireland): Legislation and the role of the President of the
Republic of Ireland: Irish Legislation (BAILII): Irish Legal Information Initiative
(IRLII): |
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